It feels good. As does being surrounded by such loving encouragement to write. I’ve been a professional writer and editor for just about 20 years, and I’ve been paid well for my work. But it’s much different to write about what floats my boat, which is both easier and more challenging than writing for money (easier because it’s what I know, it’s fun and, when inspiration is present, words just flow; more challenging because it requires me to put more of myself into it, and out there, than an assignment does).
Often lately I have reflected on how I am so very blessed by, and feel eternally grateful for, the many, many wonderful people in my life. The recent road trip may not have worked out as planned, but it enabled me to connect with folks in my old Southeast stomping grounds sooner and for longer than I would have been able to manage while on the road heading for Maine.
For example, during the two-week visit I was treated to my first Thanksgiving with my beautiful spirit family in Asheville, NC, all of whom continue to amaze me with their unflagging love and acceptance. And with a quick trip to the Atlanta area, I got long overdue visits in with a few longtime friends there.
The weeks following Thanksgiving passed in a blink, and then it was Christmas. I spent the day with Miel, as she has been known to call herself, and her great two- and four-legged kids. Clifford fully enjoyed his time with fur and non-fur people alike, though so much fun usually wears a little body plum out.
Perky one minute
Pooped the next
The holidays this year have been absolutely magical, but not because of giving or getting. They were about just being with loved ones, which is a blessed gift indeed.
I hope you felt that kind of holiday magic. And may the entirety of your new year be filled with all the love, abundance and joy you can possible imagine. And then some.
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