Friday, April 4, 2014


I find it interesting how the decision-making process works. Recent case in point: I spent a good bit of time sitting with the decision to give notice about moving out of my apartment. I considered the timing, weighed the practicality of the stay-versus-go options, and wrastled (spelling intended) with the fear and uncertainty that came up about making such a change.

Once I made a go-forward decision and gave notice, I got one of those perfectly timed universal confirmations and affirmations. I've come to recognize them as such. The next day, I got an email and a call about an interview for a potential temp-to-hire job through a placement agency. This was the third time the agency had sent my resume to a client during the past 10 months or so, but the first time I had gotten word of an interview. And it took a couple of weeks to hear back.

I took note of the fact that I didn't hear about the interview last week, while I was still in full-blown decision-making mode -- or even the day before I gave notice, or the day of. Instead, the notification came the day after. When something like that happens, I feel as if the universe is saying, post-decision, "Are you sure you don't want this? Because you could have it." Perhaps an even more gentle way of looking at it is the universe saying, "If you really want to stay, here is a way."

What I had to ask myself was this: Which decision gives more life? I know where the stay-and-take-the-job path leads. It may seem safer and more certain temporarily, but it usually results in greater restlessness and the desire to move on in short order. The other path, which requires a good-sized leap of faith into the unknown, can be much more fruitful. It's scarier at first, but very rich with possibilities. Indeed, it's the stuff that the fulfillment of dreams is made of.

So, I leap. And I do it with joy and anticipation in my heart and spirit.


  1. Well, they say "Leap, and the net will appear." I wish you luck with your leap and hope that you land somewhere awesome and just right for you!

    This is A. Catherine Noon, visiting from the Noon and Wilder blog for the A-Z Challenge, #1554 on the list. Happy blogging!

  2. I'll quote a Van Halen song - might as well JUMP!!!!!!! sometimes you do have to leap, especially if you are young. It gets more difficult to do as I age - I think things through too much. Happy A to Z and good luck

    1. Joanne, you said it exactly: It's about thoughts, not age. And they're just thoughts that we have the power to change. Jumping is available to all of us. May you leap into your own bliss. :)

  3. I wish I had the bravery to just jump ^^. I spend so much time weighing the outcome of decisions and end up creating more problems than there ought to be. I hope you land safely where you go! Happy A to Z.

    1. Thank you, Sally!

      I find that the bravery often comes via a series of small decisions before the "big" jump. It's like building a muscle, and one day the muscle goes ahead and works without requiring as much effort on my part as it did previously.

      Happy A to Z to you, too. :)

  4. I hope all goes well with your leap. I'm getting ready to do the same thing shortly. My problem is I want to leap to a different state and that's scary and a lot to consider.


    1. Sunni, thank you. I wish for you a peace-full decision-making process that brings much clarity.

      Thanks for stopping by.
